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  1. 綠茶(抹茶、煎茶、焙茶、玄米茶等)是用新鮮茶葉做成,要用不透光的袋/罐封好及避免熱的環境減慢氧化。但氧化仍會自然發生,所以早買早享受
  2. 無論開封與否,茶粉最好放入雪櫃0-4ºc儲存,能令茶粉減慢氧化
  3. 從雪櫃拿出來時先在室溫回暖(心急的人可用手心暖熱或放在熱水壺上快速回暖)
  4. 打開前拍一拍讓茶袋/茶罐鬆開才打開,避免裡面茶粉會因溫差吸濕
  5. 袋裝: 用完先擠走多餘空氣用夾夾實
  6. 粉袋/罐外面再加密實袋就更好


  1. 第一次使用茶筅要用熱水先浸20分鐘,讓茶筅先散開
  2. 用前需要先浸一陣熱水,能讓之前黐住茶筅的茶粉會自然脫落。
  3. 用後可將茶筅自轉洗走它的茶粉,不用洗潔精的!
  4. 如有茶粉怎樣也洗不走,可用牙刷/牙簽向底的方向輕輕掃走
  5. 用完洗完茶筅後,請將茶筅插在茶筅座上面令其保持散開型態


  1. 茶碗如一般打理即可
  2. 每次用之前先用熱水浸熱減少茶粉有溫差。之後再抹乾才放茶粉避免水粉黐住茶粉



MatchaEasy 茶易買到的丸久小山園日本茶/茶粉在寄出時一般有4-6個月的最最佳食用日期/嘗味期限。其他非抹茶預訂日本茶亦會有4-6個月。其他品牌的日本茶/抹茶粉請查看相關產品詳情。無論日期遠近,將日本茶放入雪櫃可有效減低氧化速度。





你們的茶粉是正貨嗎? 怎樣知道?


丸久小山園的產品是某些國家仿冒的對象。對此情況,丸久小山園為在大中華區販賣的日本茶加入了特製的QR code。


由於需求急增,丸久小山園供應及生產有所調整。2024年9月份後生產的100g罐裝、200g罐裝及部分1000g裝等產品或未能附上出口標貼。如 閣下需要相關證明文件,歡迎聯絡我們。



閣下可到 Google Play / Apple App Store 下載丸久小山園的應用程式掃描產品QR 碼確認真偽。檢查前先搣走保護貼子。請注意,為免真偽碼遭大量抄製,頭3次掃描QR碼才會顯示真偽, 如您第一次掃瞄QR碼時已彈出此已掃描過,您買的貨物就可能不是真品了。


How to take care of powder / chasen / matcha bowl?

Tea powders

  1. Green tea (including matcha, sencha, houjicha, genmaicha, etc.) are made of fresh tea leaves w/o fermentations thus may oxidise easily. Try to use sealed bag / tin and that avoids sunlight and heat to reduce oxidisation speed. Still, oxidisation will occur, thus finish the teq earliest.
  2. Opened or not, place tea in refrigerator (0-4C) to reduce oxidisation speed.
  3. After taken out from refrigerator, leave it in room temperature to warm it up before use (you may use your hand / warm surface ex. hot water kettle to speed up process)
  4. Pat the package or shake the tin before open to loosen up the powder
  5. In bag: squeeze out excess air before sealing the bag tight
  6. In tin: you may add a ziplock bag outside to reduce air floating in


  1. On first use, soak chasen into hot water for 20 minutes so to let the bristles to spring up before first use
  2. Before use, soak chasen into hot water again so to let the bamboo softens and releases some stuck powder
  3. After use, place chasen back to hot water to twist it to separate tea leftovers from the tool.
  4. For powders that cannot be washed away, use toothpicks / toothbrush to cleanse. No detergent is required.
  5. Please chasen back on its stand to keep it spread apart.

Chawan / Matcha Bowl

  1. Chawan can be cleansed just like regular bowls
  2. Before use, warm it up with hot water to reduce temperature difference between hot water and the bowl. Dry it before adding powder so it won't be stuck in bowl.

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What is the Best before date?

Marukyu Koyamaen Japanese teas (including matcha, sencha, etc.) and other non-matcha teas purchased through MatchaEasy will have 4-6 months of Best Before dates. For other products, please check the details from the product description. Always keep product in refrigerator to keep them fresh.

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Can I still use tea after Best before dates?

Unless water / moisture was inside the tea, it is not easy for tea to spoil but will simply lose its fresh flavour / aroma / colour gradually.

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Are your powders authentic? How to tell?

All Japanese teas sold by MatchaEasy.com, particularly ones from Marukyu Koyamaen particularly, are imported thru authorised reseller of Marukyu Koyamaen in Japan. Teas are then shipped to Hong Kong via expedited courier to minimise shipping variance and guarantee freshness.

Products from Marukyu Koyamaen, due to its popularity, are subject to imitations. To ensure all products you receive are authentic, a unique QR code is added to each tea product. 

You may download Marukyu Koyamaen app via Google Play / Apple App Store and scan the QR code for authenticity. Simply peel off the protection sticker and use the app to check! In order to minimise code reproduction, success message will only be shown 3 times. If the code you scan indicates it is already scanned previously, it means the product may not be authentic.

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