• • 茶識 • •

濃抹茶味是怎樣煉成的? How to create dense matcha flavour?

濃抹茶味是怎樣煉成的? How to create dense matcha flavour?

你愛很濃很濃的抹茶味,還是希望更好味? Do you prefer stronger matcha flavour, or better?

濃抹茶味是怎樣煉成的? How to create dense matcha flavour?

你愛很濃很濃的抹茶味,還是希望更好味? Do you prefer stronger matcha flavour, or better?

認識抹茶的味道 - Various flavours of matcha

認識抹茶的味道 - Various flavours of matcha

抹茶樣貌雖然每款都差不多,但顏色、味道到價錢等可以相差很大。你知道有什麼味道嗎? Matcha looks almost the same for all, but if we put them together, you’ll see the colour, aroma, and most importantly taste, are fairly diverse. Do you know how to identify...

認識抹茶的味道 - Various flavours of matcha

抹茶樣貌雖然每款都差不多,但顏色、味道到價錢等可以相差很大。你知道有什麼味道嗎? Matcha looks almost the same for all, but if we put them together, you’ll see the colour, aroma, and most importantly taste, are fairly diverse. Do you know how to identify...